Making your B2B Marketing Work For You

Vendigo Media has over 20 years experience in B2B marketing strategies and lead generation campaigns.We know that best results are based on building GREAT MARKETING CONVERSATIONS: the more you engage and communicate with your customers and prospects, the more likely they will understand, need and value what you deliver.

Effective B2B Marketing

Whether you employ sales specialists or your production/technical team also engage in sales, they both have a long and complex sales cycle to navigate to a very targeted audience.You need to find these select buyers and make sure they regularly engage with your company and staff: to remember you, to understand you, and to choose your service because they know your business.

That’s Where Vendigo Media Comes In

Over 80% of sales are made after the 5th contact, yet over 80% of sales activities end after the 3rd contact.That’s why marketing conversations make great sales.With budgets to meet, it’s rare to find a sales team that has the time or resources to follow up their customers and prospects as often as they should.